

What is Bodily Injury Liability?

Bodily Injury Liability pays damages for people injured or killed in an accident for which you are legally responsible. It also covers your legal defense if you are sued as a result of an accident.

Each selection shows two coverage limits: the first dollar amount represents the coverage limit for any one person; the second dollar amount represents the total coverage limit for one incident or accident.

Why Do I Need This?

If your operation of a covered vehicle results in your being legally responsible for someone’s bodily injury or death, you may be required to pay for the person’s loss. If the damages are high, all of your assets — including your home, savings and future wages — are in jeopardy. Bodily Injury Liability helps protect your assets by covering the injured person’s losses and expenses. It also covers legal defense if you are sued as a result of an accident. There are a number of common exclusions to this coverage that will be detailed in your policy.

What is Property Damage Liability?

Property Damage Liability pays for damage to other people’s property resulting from an accident caused by your auto for which you are legally responsible. It also covers your legal defense if you are sued as a result of an accident.

Why Do I Need This?

If your operation of a covered vehicle results in your being legally responsible for damage to someone else’s property — for example, a car or building — as the result of an accident when you are operating your auto (and certain non-owned vehicles) you may be required to pay for that damage. If the property damages are high, your assets — including your home, savings and future wages — may be at risk. Property Damage Liability helps protect your assets by paying for the damage to the property. There are a number of common exclusions to this coverage that will be detailed in your policy.